Un paio di Converse rosse customizzate di Gienchi o un elegante paio di intramontabili ballerine Chanel? Una lunga gonna in tulle bianco e biker boots marroni per trasformarsi in una principessa metropolitana o un cocktail dress giallo per un aperitivo al calar del sole? I perfetti capelli di Olivia Palermo o quelli ossigenati e così trasgressivi di Agyness Deyn? Un paio di pantaloni beige o di leggins metallizzati? Una camicia bianca che profuma di bucato o una t-shirt nera con teschio glitterato che far rabbrividire mamme e nonne? Gli orecchini di perle o quelli a forma di ragnatela di Delfina Delettrez? Un grosso maglione portato come fosse un sexy vestito per una gita in campagna o un giacchetta nera aderente per un serata a lume di candela? Il libro di Mario Testino che vede protagonista la tormentata e magnetica Kate Moss o quello sul galateo di Rossella Corneri? La modaiola Londra con la sua Carnaby Street, i suoi mercatini dell'usato, i suoi artisti, le sue it-girls e gli improvvisati concerti di Pete Doherty o Parigi, con la sua eleganza, le sue boulangeries, le sue vie romantiche, la Senna e le ballerine dell'Opera? Rock or Chic? A voi la scelta!
A pair of red studded Converse by Gienchi or an elegant pair of timeless Chanel pumps? A long white tulle skirt and brown biker boots to become a urban princess or a yellow cocktail dress for a drink at sunset? The perfect Olivia Palermo’s hair or oxygenated and so transgressive one of Agyness Deyn? A pair of khaki pants or metallic leggins? A white shirt that smells of laundry or a black t-shirt with a glitter skull that shivers mothers and grandmothers? The pearl earrings or those shaped like a spider’s web of Delfina Delettrez? A big sweater worn as a sexy dress for a trip to the countryside or a tight black jacket for an evening by candlelight? The book by Mario Testino starring the tormented and magnetic Kate Moss or the rules of etiquette by Rossella Corneri? The fashionable London with its Carnaby Street, its second hand markets, its artists streets, its it-girls and its improvised Pete Doherty concerts or Paris, with its elegance, its boulangeries, its romantic streets, the Seine and its dancers of the Opera? Chic or Rock? The choice is yours!
A pair of red studded Converse by Gienchi or an elegant pair of timeless Chanel pumps? A long white tulle skirt and brown biker boots to become a urban princess or a yellow cocktail dress for a drink at sunset? The perfect Olivia Palermo’s hair or oxygenated and so transgressive one of Agyness Deyn? A pair of khaki pants or metallic leggins? A white shirt that smells of laundry or a black t-shirt with a glitter skull that shivers mothers and grandmothers? The pearl earrings or those shaped like a spider’s web of Delfina Delettrez? A big sweater worn as a sexy dress for a trip to the countryside or a tight black jacket for an evening by candlelight? The book by Mario Testino starring the tormented and magnetic Kate Moss or the rules of etiquette by Rossella Corneri? The fashionable London with its Carnaby Street, its second hand markets, its artists streets, its it-girls and its improvised Pete Doherty concerts or Paris, with its elegance, its boulangeries, its romantic streets, the Seine and its dancers of the Opera? Chic or Rock? The choice is yours!
Kate&Agynes forever!!! ma io sono troppo rock-addicted!
RispondiElimina: )
( ah, e w le All Star, F O R E V E R)
io sono rock e chic allo stesso tempo! dipende dalle necessità e dall'umore :D anche dagli ormoni :DDDDDDDD
bel post!
RispondiEliminagrazie per il commento :-)
ti seguo, ricambia :D
Grazie Stephanie!
RispondiEliminaUn abbraccio e w le stagioni che ci permettono di cambiare il look! :)))
THOSE pink shoe! LUST!
Hot Pink Day
Shop Blue Vanilla
:)))) love them, i have them in white!