Da piccola avrei voluto fare la ballerina, avevo un tutù bianco e delle bellissime ballerine Repetto rosa confetto. Scoprii poi che quella non era un'attività adatta alla mia personalità. Avrei dovuto seguire una ferrea disciplina e decisi così, di abbandonare quella strada. Oggi conservo ancora quel paio di deliziose e morbide scarpette, in una scatola argentata assieme ad altri dolci ricordi della tenera età. Da allora il mio piede è cresciuto (ho il 40), ma è rimasto in me l'amore per quel genere di scarpe. Alcune fonti affermano che le prime ballerine sarebbero state prodotte proprio da Repetto, per il figlio, il ballerino Roland Petit. La casa di produzione venne inaugurata nel 1956 e oggi, come allora, ha la sua sede a Parigi, in Rue de La Paix. Qui, oltre alle calzature per le danzatrici di tutto il mondo, vengono prodotte quelle per la vita di tutti i giorni, lavorate artigianalmente e spesso, in edizione limitata. A lanciare la moda delle ballerine come calzature non-da-ballo fu Audrey Hepburne, che amava abbinarle a pantaloni Capri e agli occhiali da sole oversize. Create per lei da Gattinoni, divennero indispensabili sia sul set che nella vita privata.
Le opinioni riguardo a queste scarpe sono piuttosto drastiche: o le si ama o le si odia. Io appartengo alla prima categoria. Penso sia possibile adattarle al nostro look, che sia rock o chic (per tornare al post di ieri). Borchiate, assieme a leggins neri in simil pelle e ad una camicia in jeans extra-large rubata all'armadio del nostro ragazzo, nere low-cost, di Zara o di HM, con una gonnellina a vita alta a pois e ed una canotta leggerissima, con la punta a forma di topolino, quelle di Marc Jacobs, con una paio di jeans chiari a sigaretta e ad una camicia bianca, leopardate con un sexy tailleur da donna in carriera, per sdrammatizzare la mise lavorativa o infine quelle targate Pretty Ballerinas, con un bellissimo fiocco in seta fucsia per sentirsi un pò diva. Se appartenete invece alla schiera di quelle che queste scarpe le odiano, allora questo post non fa per voi :-) Presto un articolo sulle scarpe tacco 12!
When i was a child, I wanted to be a ballerina, I had a white tutu and beautiful pink Repetto ballet flats. Then I discovered that this wasn’t the right task to my personality. I had to follow strict discipline and I decided to abandon that road. Today I still have that pair of delicious and soft shoes, in a silver box along with other sweet memories of childhood. Since then my foot has grown up (I have 40), but it remained in me a love for that kind of shoes. Some sources say that the first dancers flats were produced precisely by Repetto, for his son, the dancer Roland Petit. The factory was opened in 1956 and today, as then, has its headquarters in Paris, Rue de la Paix. Here, in addition to footwear for dancers from around the world they produce those for everydays’ life, handmade and often limited edition. The first one who launched the fashionable shoes of the dancers as not-to-dance was Audrey Hepburn. She loved to match them with Capri pants and oversized sunglasses. They were created for her by Gattinoni and became indispensable both on set and in private life.
The opinions about these shoes are rather drastic: love them or hate them. I belong to the first category. I think it is possible to fit our look, chic or rock (to return to yesterday's post). Studded, along with blacks Leather leggings and a denim extra large shirt from your boyfriend’s closet, black low-cost, HM or Zara, with a high waist polka dot skirt and a light tank top, the mouse-shaped tip, those of Marc Jacobs, with a cigarette light jeans and a white shirt, leopard printed matched with the two-pieces suit for a sexy career woman, a pair of Pretty Ballerinas with a fuchsia bow to feel like a diva. If you belong to the ranks that hates these shoes, then this post is not for you :-) Soon an article on the 12 heel shoes!
When i was a child, I wanted to be a ballerina, I had a white tutu and beautiful pink Repetto ballet flats. Then I discovered that this wasn’t the right task to my personality. I had to follow strict discipline and I decided to abandon that road. Today I still have that pair of delicious and soft shoes, in a silver box along with other sweet memories of childhood. Since then my foot has grown up (I have 40), but it remained in me a love for that kind of shoes. Some sources say that the first dancers flats were produced precisely by Repetto, for his son, the dancer Roland Petit. The factory was opened in 1956 and today, as then, has its headquarters in Paris, Rue de la Paix. Here, in addition to footwear for dancers from around the world they produce those for everydays’ life, handmade and often limited edition. The first one who launched the fashionable shoes of the dancers as not-to-dance was Audrey Hepburn. She loved to match them with Capri pants and oversized sunglasses. They were created for her by Gattinoni and became indispensable both on set and in private life.
The opinions about these shoes are rather drastic: love them or hate them. I belong to the first category. I think it is possible to fit our look, chic or rock (to return to yesterday's post). Studded, along with blacks Leather leggings and a denim extra large shirt from your boyfriend’s closet, black low-cost, HM or Zara, with a high waist polka dot skirt and a light tank top, the mouse-shaped tip, those of Marc Jacobs, with a cigarette light jeans and a white shirt, leopard printed matched with the two-pieces suit for a sexy career woman, a pair of Pretty Ballerinas with a fuchsia bow to feel like a diva. If you belong to the ranks that hates these shoes, then this post is not for you :-) Soon an article on the 12 heel shoes!
Post stupendo come sempre!MI hai fatto venire voglia di indossare un paio di comode ballerine con una gonna a vita alta!
grazie Bibi! sei carinissima!
Bellissime foto!!Amo i tacchi(li preferisco alle scarpe basse),ma essendo mamma e avendo le giornate di corsa le ballerine creano il connubio perfetto di comodità ed eleganza.
RispondiEliminagrazie per il tuo commento! Adoro le ballerine proprio per questo, connubio perfetto tra eleganza e comodità!
RispondiEliminaun abbraccio!
anche io adoro le ballerine per questo motivo.... eleganti e comode :) Grande Fede, mi piace il tuo blog!
RispondiEliminaGrazie Simo! <3