Il 17 di ogni mese corro in edicola, (se necessario anche in pigiama, sfidando il caldo torrido o una tempesta di neve, con un'aria spesso davvero poco chic) e compro la mia amata rivista di moda Elle.
La data in cui è possibile trovarla in vendita può variare a seconda del periodo: il 17, il 18 o il 19 del mese corrente.
Quando varco la soglia del negozio spero sempre di essere fortunata e di poter avere, entro pochi secondi, il mio giornale tra le mani.
Già mi vedo, seduta sul divano, sorseggiare una tazza di thé alla vaniglia, tra le mani solo Elle.
Adoro il profumo dei giornali freschi di stampa, come amo quello dei libri nuovi. Avvicino le pagine al naso, come un cane da tartufo, attratta da quel profumo per me magico.
Scarto velocemente la confezione, (inserisco la funzione silenzioso al telefono) e inizio la lettura. Nessuno mi deve disturbare, la rivista è tra le mie mani ed ho occhi solo per lei.
Inizio leggendo l'editoriale di Danda Santini, la direttrice dell'edizione italiana. Trovo perfetto il suo stile di scrittura. Vado pazza per la pagina in cui vengono mostrate le edizioni straniere del mensile che mi permettono di curiosare in mondi diversi dal mio. Con una predilezione per tutto quello che riguarda il nord Europa: Svezia, Finlandia e Norvegia. Mi piacciono le pagine dedicate ai libri e alle letture consigliate, i servizi sull'amore, sui viaggi, gli spettacoli e ovviamente tutto quello che riguarda la moda. Presente, passata e futura.
Da qualche mese a questa parte ho notato che la rivista si è adeguata al fenomeno dei blog di moda. Sono stati inseriti servizi dove le foto vengono scattate utilizzando inquadrature accattivanti, che escono dai soliti schemi. Innovative sono anche le pagine dedicate allo streetstyle. Soddisfano il desiderio di curiosare tra il guardaroba altrui con leggerezza e spirito critico.
Mi gusto lentamente ogni singola pagina, perfino quelle dedicate alle pubblicità. Sono così belle da essere, in alcuni casi, opere d'arte.
Rimango incantata dai servizi dedicati alla casa, eleganti e bellissimi. Mi fanno venire voglia di diventare arredatrice d'interni o di comprare immediatamente un casale sulle colline senesi.
E che dire della rubrica dedicata alla cucina? Semplicemente deliziosa. Permette a noi comuni mortali di stupire tutti con ricette magnifiche alla vista e deliziose al palato.
Con la speranza di poter avere sempre, anche in un lontano futuro, la possibilità di gustarmi una rivista, sfogliando le pagine ad una ad una, lentamente, come si fa con quei dolci che vorrei non finissero mai, vi saluto augurandovi una splendida domenica.
Io passerò la mia leggendo, leggendo, leggendo....
Every month I run to the newsstand (if necessary also in pyjamas, braving the hot weather or a snowstorm, looking chic often very little) and I buy my beloved fashion magazine Elle.
The date on which you can find it for sale can depend on the season: 17, 18 or 19 of the current month.
When I cross the threshold of the shop I always hope to be lucky and be able to have, within a few seconds, the newspaper in my hands.
Already I see myself sitting on the couch, sipping a cup of vanilla tea, in the hands only Elle.
I love the smell of freshly printed newspapers as I love the new books. It happens the same with the just bought novels. I approached the pages on the nose, like a truffle dog, attracted by this scent magical for me.
Quickly discarded the package, (insert the silent feature on the phone) and start reading. No one should disturb me, the magazine is in my hands and I have eyes only for her.
I start reading the editorial by Danda Santini, director of the Italian edition. I find his writing style perfect. I go crazy for the page that shows the foreign editions of the magazine that allow me to browse in worlds different from mine. With a preference for everything related to Northern Europe: Sweden, Finland and Norway. I like the pages dedicated to books and recommended reading, love, travel, entertainment services and of course everything about fashion. Present, past and future.
For some months I have noticed that the magazine has adapted itself to the phenomenon of fashion blogs. There have been introduced services where photos are taken using attractive frames, which are not usual. Innovative are pages dedicated to the streetstyle. They satisfy the desire to browse through other people’s wardrobe frivolously and with a critical mood. Slowly I taste every single page, even those devoted to advertising. They are so beautiful and in some cases, they look like works of art.
I remain enchanted by the house dedicated services. They are elegant and refined. I got the urge to become interior designer or buy a farmhouse in the hills around Siena.
And what about the pages dedicated to the kitchen? Simply delicious. They allows mortals like us to amaze all with magnificent looking dishes and delicious tastes.
With the hope of being always able to have, even in a far future, the opportunity to enjoy a magazine, flipping the pages one by one, slowly, as we do with those sweet that we would never end, I greet you, wishing you a wonderful Sunday.
The date on which you can find it for sale can depend on the season: 17, 18 or 19 of the current month.
When I cross the threshold of the shop I always hope to be lucky and be able to have, within a few seconds, the newspaper in my hands.
Already I see myself sitting on the couch, sipping a cup of vanilla tea, in the hands only Elle.
I love the smell of freshly printed newspapers as I love the new books. It happens the same with the just bought novels. I approached the pages on the nose, like a truffle dog, attracted by this scent magical for me.
Quickly discarded the package, (insert the silent feature on the phone) and start reading. No one should disturb me, the magazine is in my hands and I have eyes only for her.
I start reading the editorial by Danda Santini, director of the Italian edition. I find his writing style perfect. I go crazy for the page that shows the foreign editions of the magazine that allow me to browse in worlds different from mine. With a preference for everything related to Northern Europe: Sweden, Finland and Norway. I like the pages dedicated to books and recommended reading, love, travel, entertainment services and of course everything about fashion. Present, past and future.
For some months I have noticed that the magazine has adapted itself to the phenomenon of fashion blogs. There have been introduced services where photos are taken using attractive frames, which are not usual. Innovative are pages dedicated to the streetstyle. They satisfy the desire to browse through other people’s wardrobe frivolously and with a critical mood. Slowly I taste every single page, even those devoted to advertising. They are so beautiful and in some cases, they look like works of art.
I remain enchanted by the house dedicated services. They are elegant and refined. I got the urge to become interior designer or buy a farmhouse in the hills around Siena.
And what about the pages dedicated to the kitchen? Simply delicious. They allows mortals like us to amaze all with magnificent looking dishes and delicious tastes.
With the hope of being always able to have, even in a far future, the opportunity to enjoy a magazine, flipping the pages one by one, slowly, as we do with those sweet that we would never end, I greet you, wishing you a wonderful Sunday.
Anche per me Elle è la preferita, ma se capita leggo anche Marie Claire, Glamour...e tutte quelle che mi capitano sotto mano!!!!
Wooow, lovely pics!
RispondiEliminaNice post, I enjoyed! :)