Quando finisce l'estate, la malinconia si impadronisce sempre un pò di me. Quest'anno, sembrava che la stagione calda non volesse abbandonarci più. Il clima afoso e i pomeriggi luminosi confondevano le nostre idee facendoci credere di essere ancora nel bel mezzo del periodo, tra tutti il più bello. In moltissime zone però, a partire da ieri, la situazione è repentinamenete cambiata. Piogge fortissime e vento freddo sono i protagonisti di questo primo weekend d'autunno. Le piccole cose che rendono magnifica l'estate sono ormai un dolce ricordo. E' giunto il momento di dire arrivederci a tutto quello che ha reso splendida questa stagione: le mille passeggiate a piedi nudi sulla sabbia, gli aperitivi a base di pesce fresco e musica jazz, le serate passate con il naso all'insù a guardare le stelle, i picnic al parco con le amiche a base di tramezzini e chiacchiere, le gonneline di pizzo e i sandali consumati, le magliette con la spalla scoperta, le borse in paglia deformate dall'eccessivo peso, il profumo dell'erba appena tagliata, il canto dei grilli a notte fonda e il profumo di cocco delle creme solari. Per rendere più piacevoli i giorni "di mezzo", quelli in cui si passa da una stagione all'altra, inizio a pensare alle cose positive che l'autunno porterà con sè. Allora mi rallegro ed inzio l'elenco: i sabati passati sul divano a guardare film romanitici, la cioccolata calda in quelle fredde sere in cui di uscire proprio non ti va, i weekend a base di pizza e confessioni amorose, i calzerotti in lana bianca per stare più caldi leggendo una rivista di moda, le castagne arrostite, l'odore della legna bruciata quando torni a casa dopo un pomeriggio di shopping con le amiche, i lunghi cardigan stretti in vita da una cintura in cuoio, usati come cappotti, gli Hunter per una corsa al supermercato ed i weekend nelle capitali europee. Una delle cose che mi rende così felice è un probabile fine settimana di shopping londinese a fine ottobre. Già mi vedo seduta da Sturbucks mentre sorseggio un super capuccino e mangio una fetta di torta al limone. Non vedo l'ora :-) Ma questa è un'altra storia!
When summer ends, the melancholy always gets hold of me a little bit. This year, it seemed that the hot weather did not want to leave us. The sultry and sunny afternoons, confused our ideas making us believe to be in the middle of that period, the most beautiful of all. In many areas, however yesterday, the situation has suddenly changed. Strong rain and cold winds are the protagonists of this first weekend of autumn. The little things that make wonderful summer are now a sweet memory. It's time to say goodbye to all that made this season wonderful: thousands barefooted walks on the sand, aperitifs with fresh seafood and jazz, evenings spent with the nose looking at stars, picnics at the park with friends based on sandwiches, little lace skirts, worn out sandals, T-shirts with a naked shoulder, the straw bags deformed by the excessive weight, the smell of freshly cut grass, the song of the crickets at night and the smell of coconut sunscreen. To make the most enjoyable days "by half", the ones where you change from one season to another, I begin to think about the positive things that autumn will bring with him. So I am delighted and I start the list: Saturday passed on the couch watching romantic movies, hot chocolate on those cold nights when you just do not go out, weekends with pizza and amorous confessions, the white wool socks to keep you warm by reading a fashion magazine, roasted chestnuts, the smell of burning wood when you come home after a shopping afternoon with friends, long cardigans cinched at the waist by a leather belt, used as coats, the Hunter for a run to the supermarket and weekends in European capitals. One of the things that makes me so happy is probably a shopping weekend in London in late October. Already I see myself sitting at Sturbucks while sipping a good cappuccino and eating a slice of lemon cake. I can not wait :-) But that's another story!
When summer ends, the melancholy always gets hold of me a little bit. This year, it seemed that the hot weather did not want to leave us. The sultry and sunny afternoons, confused our ideas making us believe to be in the middle of that period, the most beautiful of all. In many areas, however yesterday, the situation has suddenly changed. Strong rain and cold winds are the protagonists of this first weekend of autumn. The little things that make wonderful summer are now a sweet memory. It's time to say goodbye to all that made this season wonderful: thousands barefooted walks on the sand, aperitifs with fresh seafood and jazz, evenings spent with the nose looking at stars, picnics at the park with friends based on sandwiches, little lace skirts, worn out sandals, T-shirts with a naked shoulder, the straw bags deformed by the excessive weight, the smell of freshly cut grass, the song of the crickets at night and the smell of coconut sunscreen. To make the most enjoyable days "by half", the ones where you change from one season to another, I begin to think about the positive things that autumn will bring with him. So I am delighted and I start the list: Saturday passed on the couch watching romantic movies, hot chocolate on those cold nights when you just do not go out, weekends with pizza and amorous confessions, the white wool socks to keep you warm by reading a fashion magazine, roasted chestnuts, the smell of burning wood when you come home after a shopping afternoon with friends, long cardigans cinched at the waist by a leather belt, used as coats, the Hunter for a run to the supermarket and weekends in European capitals. One of the things that makes me so happy is probably a shopping weekend in London in late October. Already I see myself sitting at Sturbucks while sipping a good cappuccino and eating a slice of lemon cake. I can not wait :-) But that's another story!
Ci piace quel weekend a londra a fine ottobre!Lotty
RispondiElimina:) I love London!
RispondiEliminaChe bello l' autunno e bellissima Londra! :)
RispondiEliminaAmo le giornate come questa, tutto il giorno in pigiama tra lettura e film:)
Elli V.
Da mercoledì dovrebbe tornar ancora per qualche giorno bello e caldo... speriamo!!!
RispondiEliminaSarò controcorrente ma amo l'autunno, il plaid thè..e Londra!